Thursday, January 15, 2015


Hi, guys I  just wanted to give you a heads up about it. I will be posting about different artists and what they did. Hope you like them! :) Giotto Di Bondone was born in Florence, Italy 1267. His was a farming family he most likely was a Shepherd when he was young. It is likely that he suffered from dwarfism because he was only 4 feet tall. A Florentine painter named Cimabue saw Giotto drawing a sheep into a rock. Giotto went to be a apprentice under Cimabue. Giotto painted so religiosity soon after he started he was better than Cimabue. Giotto married at the age of 20. Later he had 8 children and one became a painter. When he was 30 He was wealthy and owned many  estates. Sadly he died in Jan. 1337 at 70 years old.


  1. I love art too. it is so fun! I think that guy is awesome! I like his art! Gabrielle

  2. I love art it is so cool those painters are so cool.Emmi
